how it works
There is a direct and significant correlation between frequency of engagement and superior performance. Check1n drives the frequency and quality of conversations and outcomes of meetings between managers and each member of their team. It uses a combination of technology, process, measurement, recognition and one on one support to embed and drive the change required for sustainable and significant performance improvement.
Inclusive and powerful catalyst to initiate change
So many technology lead solutions, no matter how simple or intuitive in their own right, are presented without being read more..
Technology MODULE
“Little and Often” to embed change in the DNA
There have been significant advances in technological solutions for business over the last few years. read more..
Continuous recognition and support
To reinforce the learning from the initial training, Chek1n provides a unique concept in continuous individual support read more..
Engagement MODULE
The heart of Chek1n is about the quality and frequency of conversations between managers and each individual read more..
Performance MODULE
Its about action and evidence
The final layer within Chek1n has two separate elements: Monitoring and Measurement
Monitoring enables coaches read more..