
We do not release the Chek1n platform without the Training Module (1,500).

As an introductory incentive we are currently offering the Performance Package for up to 30 Users for 3 months free of charge for every company that signs up for the Training Module before 31st August 2015.


5 per User per month
  • Engagement Module
  • Technology Module
  • “Baseline” Coaching module


10 per User per month
  • Engagement Module
  • Technology Module
  • Performance module
  • Interactive Coaching module


For larger organisations. Talk to us
  • Train The trainer
  • Engagement Module
  • Technology Module
  • Performance module
  • Interactive and Classic Coaching modules
  • Enterprise Analysis module

*Training Module is a compulsory prerequisite for Chek1n. 1,500 for up to 30 participants