Performance Management
A unique combination of ground breaking research, best in class training, leading edge technology, individual coaching and good old fashioned management excellence.
Step 1 – Hearts and Minds
Change hearts and minds, and then support them continuously throughout the process. Significant change requires Selling the benefits to everybody in the organisation through best in class training and communication.
Step 2 – Technology
A very simple, intuitive and extremely light touch technology solution that continuously tracks the critical elements of engagement and drives great quality conversations and outcomes between managers and team. and does it continuously! 60 seconds a day, 20 minutes a week.
Step 3 – Behavioural Change
There can be no Performance Change without Behavioural Change. Continuous professional and independent coaching for every person in your organisation is included to keep the momentum so that every person feels that they have a trusted source.
Step 4 – Engagement
Concentrate on driving excellent engagement between managers and teams. Keep the communication tight and flexible to enable the organisation to respond and adapt quickly to short term market conditions while keeping focused on long term goals.
Step 5 – Performance
Continuous “real time” measurement to build a picture of your organisational dynamics so that you can monitor, develop and manage issues pro-actively. Includes a very simple performance module based on evidence and actions not on opinions.